Monday, July 21, 2014

13th Sep 2013

Today we were schedule to work from 3pm to 12am. Not as busy as expected and we seems to have plans after work. Today I wanted to remind myself that I will start to shape my self to a better person. Actually I do have a lot of things to say to her however there isn't chance for me to slowly explain to her my fe

Wondering and wondering.

Life is filled with ups and downs, I always believe that someone who can adapt is always stronger and able to survive. Now regretting leaving Apple as it provides a nice income and working surrounding. Yet now I have to choose another career to strive hard. Wondering am I suitable to be attached and carry the commitment of this relationship. I do feel I given up on a chance. I only hope we can θŠδΈ€θŠ as when we feel like.